They say, ‘All that starts well, ends well.’ It may not always be the case with kids. At the start of the summers, children may be super happy and excited about the shining bright sun, longer days, and school holidays. But, as the mercury levels rise and the heat increases, the scorching heat may become too much to bear for the kids and they become susceptible to various illnesses.

So, to ensure that your beloved child enjoys the summer to their fullest, you must take necessary precautionary measures. Remember, not just the heat, but sweat can also pose a serious threat to them. If you are not sure how to keep your child safe from the summer maladies, here are a few proven summer safety tips for kids that will come handy.  

Also Read: Hydration Tips for Summer Travel in India

  • Keep kids hydrated


During summers, your child may sweat a lot more than usual and lose their body fluids faster. This can lead to dehydration, and they may feel sick. To avoid this situation, follow this one simple summer safety tip – keep your child well hydrated throughout the day.  

Encourage your child to drink water at frequent intervals throughout the day. If they like to play outdoors, encourage them to carry a water bottle so that they can take a few sips when they feel parched. Make it a ground rule at home that everyone should drink at least two litres of water every day. If your child is less than 10 years old, they can have about 1.5 litres of water.  

If your child hesitates to drink plain water, you can give them lemonade, coconut water, or home-made fresh fruit juice. This is one of the best summer safety tips and you would be delighted to see your child getting through the summer without any problems.  

  • Turn off the AC and use fans instead

During summers, you may be tempted to keep the air conditioner on all day. Sure, it can keep the room temperature cool and the environment inside your home ambient. But, remember, when your child comes home from the bright sunshine outside, the sudden and drastic change in the air temperature can be difficult for their body to adjust to and they may fall sick.  

Hence, it is better to encourage children to turn off the AC and use fans instead. These fans are capable enough to keep the room cool and fresh after you come from outside. This is perhaps one of the most underrated hot weather safety tips for children that you must try at home, and you will surely see a noticeable difference.  

  • Dress them in light-coloured cotton clothes


One of the simplest yet highly effective summer safety tips for kids is to dress them appropriately. It is imperative that you dress your child as per the weather condition. During summer, it is better to let them wear light-coloured and comfortable clothes.  

The fabric of the cloth also plays an important role. The best fabric is cotton as it allows your child’s skin to breathe and makes them feel comfortable.  

Remember, tight-fitted and dark-coloured clothes prevent the sweat from evaporating and they absorb heat, which would make your child feel hotter. Being exposed to heat for a long period can make them sick.  

Also Read: Travel Hacks - Travel Tips for Summer That You Must Know

  • Bathe your kids every day in lukewarm water


When it is hot and arid outside, taking a cold shower may seem to be the best option to relax and cool your body. But many health researchers worldwide have corroborated that it can make you feel hotter. This is because when you take a cold shower, your body has to work doubly hard to warm up again. The same goes for children.  

So, always keep in mind this summer heat safety tip for kids and encourage your child to have a bath every day in lukewarm water. This will keep their body temperature at a constant level and they will be at a lesser risk of falling ill. You can also encourage your child to have a bath twice a day, preferably early in the morning and an hour before bed. This will also help them have better and sound sleep.  

  • Watch out your child’s diet


Children love eating fried and oily food. It is okay to have such food occasionally. But if they have it for every meal and every day, especially during the summer, it can be detrimental to their health. Eating oily and junk food generates a lot of heat in the body and it can make them feel uncomfortable.  

Also, you must keep a close eye on the food portion that your child consumes. A heavy meal could mean it would be hard for their body to digest the food, making them feel lethargic and restless. Therefore, many doctors and child nutrient specialists suggest parents to keep a close eye on their child’s diet during summers.  

You must ensure that your child eats a light meal, and freshly made food. They can have 4-5 small meals a day, but it should not include any junk food, instead, give them fruits, a soup, vegetables, etc. This may not sound like a summer safety tip but it will surely make a huge difference to your child’s health in keeping them fit and fine and not succumbing to summer-related illnesses.  

  • Educate your child about summer illnesses


Precaution is the first step to safety. As a parent, you must help your child learn and be aware of the various summer illnesses, and the harmful effects of the summer heat on them. You must educate them on how summer can cause problems like rashes on the skin, dehydration, dry cold, etc.  

As you teach them about summer illnesses, you must also help them learn the summer season safety tips and what they can do to be safe. For example, encourage them to stay indoors during the day; spend time with them so that they don’t feel the need to go out.  

Now that you are aware of the summer heat safety tips for kids, use them to your advantage and ensure your child has a safe and joyful summer holiday!

Also Read: Summer Travel with Kids Made Easy: 5 Essential Travel Hacks for Traveling with Kids

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