Club Mahindra Acacia Palms, Goa

A stay at Club Mahindra Acacia palms

By 22 Jun 2023, 09:54 PM

The Club Mahindra Acacia palm resort is in South Goa. Nearly 24 km from Dabolin airport. The resort is located at Colva Beach. From the resort, Colva beach is just a walking distance. I have only one day's stay. The resort was very beautiful and spacious. Sitting in the garden in the evening is quite peaceful. The architecture of the resort is quite impressive...There are only hotel rooms so we stayed there. The room was clean and spacious and from balcony u can have a look at the sea...There is a restaurant cum bar, and u can also sit beside the pool. We booked all three meals, food was tasty and at a very reasonable price. At dinner there was also live music...Price for members is cheaper than non-members. They have a swimming pool and a spa facility on a chargeable basis, there are many activities such as cricket, electric car for kids, snooker etc U'll love ❤ this place .

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